Welcome everyone to the ABNAustralia.com.au facebook community group - a place where business owners and advisers support each other. Come check out our page, introduce yourself and your business. Read on...
Join our Facebook Community for startups and small business
Welcome everyone to the ABNAustralia.com.au community group - a place where ABN Australia business owners and advisers support each other.
Being a business owners can be tough, and sometimes even lonely - therefore being part of a bigger community of like minded individuals can sometimes be a big help.
This is a safe, private exclusive community for ABN Australia customers where startup business owners can share problems and worries as well as advice - in fact you are expected to share your advice and worries as a business owner to help others out as well as be helped out yourself.
What to do now? Introduce yourself and then your business to this group when you join. Don't be afraid to ask for help, suggestions, or recommendation about anything to do with your startup or small business.
Phone 1300 226 226 to discuss how we can help.
Please note this article is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Should you have any queries or require more information, please contact the team at ABNAustralia.com.au.