If you require assistance with updating your company's details with ASIC (as required under the Corporations Act), as well as preparing all related company governance documents including resolutions, consents, and updated registers then our professional team can deliver our services affordably and efficiently.
- We lodge with ASIC any change to your company details and prepare all related governance documents
- Services available include changes to company officeholders, shareholders, addresses, share structures, company name, and much more
- We reduce your company's administrative burden, and help you avoid ASIC late fees and penalties
- Trusted by the professionals - we already act as registered agent for over 2000 companies
- Want unlimited corporate registry services? Check out our annual ASIC Registered Agent Service
- Looking for a long term solution? Appoint ABN Australia as your company's ASIC Registered Agent for a monthly or annual fee
- We lodge with ASIC unlimited changes to your company details throughout the year
- We prepare all related governance documents to ensure compliance with the Corporation's Act
- We maintain your company's corporate registry details with ASIC using EDGE approved software
- We also complete your company's Annual Review Statement and Directors Solvency resolution each year
- Trusted by the professionals - we already act as registered agent for over 2000 companies
Product Overview
Our team comprises highly experienced accounting and compliance professionals with a wealth of knowledge, leveraging the latest software and systems to prepare and lodge the necessary documents for any change to your company details.Change of Company Details - Whenever there is a change to your company details you are required by ASIC to submit those changes within 28 days of the change occurring, otherwise late fees will apply including $96 for up to one month late and $401 for over one month late.
Change of Company Details Include:
- Change company addresses
- Change of name (officeholders or members)
- Appoint or cease company officeholders
- Issue of shares
- Cancellation of shares
- Transfer of shares
- Change to amounts paid
- Change to beneficial ownership
- Conversion or split of shares / share class
- Add or remove ultimate holding company
- Change to special purpose company status
Details of every company registered in Australia are kept on ASIC’s corporate register. Corporations Law requires registered companies to keep and maintain appropriate statutory records in relation to directors, shareholders and other matters. In addition to the ongoing maintenance requirements, each company has an obligation to review the company statement issued by ASIC each year to ensure that the database of ASIC matches the office holder and shareholder ownership of the company.
ASIC Lodgements
We can also prepare and lodge all ASIC forms required, including but not limited to:- Change of company addresses
- Appointment and cessation of company officeholders
- Adding or removing ultimate holding company
- Changing share structure
- Appointing or ceasing members
- Changes to officeholder details
- Company resolutions e.g. change of company name
- Changes to shareholder details
Full Benefits
Unlocking organisational efficienciesOutsourcing of corporate registry maintenance is an important business decision as it directly impacts on the service you provide to your end clients and the allocation of resources within your business. The benefits of oursourcing are numerous, and include:
- You are able to focus on your organisation's core activities;
- You will be employing our expertise at extremely cost effective rates;
- Profitability will improve for your organisation as you will be able to redeploy your human resources to your core business activities;
- You can ensure compliance continuity during your periods of staff change;
- We ensure the highest levels of accuracy in everything we do.
ASIC late fees and penalties
Did you know that The Corporations Act 2001 requires companies to tell ASIC of changes to details generally within 28 days after the change has occurred? In fact ASIC imposes strict lodgement criteria and imposes heavy fines to ensure the integrity of its database. The penalty for late lodgement begins at $96, with failure to lodge documents with the Commission upwards of $1,000 or even 3 months imprisonment. Outsourcing to ABN Australia significantly reduces the chance of incurring such penalty fees, saving you money whilst ensuring you remain on good terms with your end client.