Applicant Details
Firm Name:
Contact Person:
Email Address:
Street Address:
Company Details
Name of company:
ACN of company:
Does the company already have an ABN?:
Please quote that ABN here:
Is the Company an Australian Private Company or an Australian Public Company?:
Business Activity
Why is the company applying for an ABN?:
Is this the first time in business in Australia for the company?:
Please select the main industry shown below that will form part of your company activity:
Please describe your main business activity and goods services provided:
Is the company owned or controlled by Commonwealth State Territory or Local Government?
Does the company operate in agricultural Property:
Does the company have more than one business location in Australia:
If Yes, full street addresses of each business location are required:
From what date does the company require its ABN ? [This date cannot be more than 6 months in the future. If the date provided is a date in the future, the ABN will not be issued until that date]
If you intend for this business activity to be less than 3 months, on what date do you expect to cease activity?
Tax file number
Does the company have a Tax File Number?
Tax File Number:
Does the company wish to apply for a Tax File Number?
Company Information
Is the company a nonprofit organization?:
Is the company a resident for tax purposes?:
Is the company exempt for income tax purposes?:
If the company is a subsidiary company, what is the ACN or ARBN of the ultimate holding company?:
What is the Company’s main business address:
Where does the company want its notices and correspondence sent?:
Other (Full street address is required):
What is the company’s email address for service of notices and correspondence?:
Does the company want to register or be endorsed for any of the following?:
Goods and Services Tax
Does the company wish to apply for GST?:
What is the date of registration for GST?:
What is your estimated annual turnover:
How frequently do you want to lodge your BAS?:
Which method will you use to account for GST?:
Do you import goods or services?:
Fuel Tax Credits
Does the company want to register for Fuel Tax Credits?:
What is the date of registration for Fuel Tax Credits?:
Please indicate which fuel type is used in the company’s business activities:
Does the company use fuel in a vehicle with a GVM greater than 4 5 tonnes travelling on a public road?:
Pay as you go
Does the company want to register for PAYG?:
BSB Code:
Account Number:
Account Held By:
On what date did, or will, the company commence PAYG Withholding?:
What amount of tax is to be withheld from payees each year?:
How many employees does the company estimate it will pay?:
Will the company pay royalties dividends or interest to non residents or report investment income paid to Australian residents?:
How does the company intend to provide the PAYG withholding payment summary annual report to the Tax Office?:
How will the company provide payment summaries to its payees?:
Associate One Details
Surname/Company Name:
Given Names/ Company ACN:
Former or Maiden Name(s):
Full Address:
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Place of Birth (Town):
Place of Birth (State):
Country of Birth:
Tax File Number:
Office(s) held:
Associate Two Details
Surname/Company Name:
Given Names/ Company ACN:
Former or Maiden Name(s):
Full Address:
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Place of Birth (Town):
Place of Birth (State):
Country of Birth:
Tax File Number:
Office(s) held:
Associate Three Details
Surname/Company Name:
Given Names/ Company ACN:
Former or Maiden Name(s):
Full Address:
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Place of Birth (Town):
Place of Birth (State):
Country of Birth:
Tax File Number:
Office(s) held:
Associate Four Details
Surname/Company Name:
Given Names/ Company ACN:
Former or Maiden Name(s):
Full Address:
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Place of Birth (Town):
Place of Birth (State):
Country of Birth:
Tax File Number:
Office(s) held:
Associate Five Details
Surname/Company Name:
Given Names/ Company ACN:
Former or Maiden Name(s):
Full Address:
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Place of Birth (Town):
Place of Birth (State):
Country of Birth:
Tax File Number:
Office(s) held:
Associate Six Details
Surname/Company Name:
Given Names/ Company ACN:
Former or Maiden Name(s):
Full Address:
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Place of Birth (Town):
Place of Birth (State):
Country of Birth:
Tax File Number:
Office(s) held:
Additional notes and/or instructions
Payment Details
Total Cost: