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Company ABN Form

Before you begin

Please have the Tax File Numbers of your company and your company associates handy before you begin this application.

If you do not already have a company Tax File Number, we can apply for a company Tax File Number at the same time as the company ABN application.

We are the premier specialist in registration processes.

For assistance with this form, feel free to call one of our friendly staff on 1300 ABN ABN.

Applicant Details

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Please enter a phone number.

Please enter a valid email address.

Invalid Input

Company Details

Please enter a company name.

Please enter a company ACN.

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Business Activity

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Tax file number (TFN)

Invalid Input

Please enter your tax file number

Invalid Input

Required Company Information

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Please choose an option

Please agree to the additional charges before continuing your application as we will not be able to complete your order otherwise.
This additional charge is an administrative charge for the purposes of processing and lodging your Proof of Identification (POI) documentation and Business Activity Statement directly with the ABR. Thankyou for your understanding.
Invalid Input

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Invalid Input

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Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Other Registrations

Invalid Input

Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Fuel Tax Credits

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Pay as you go (PAYG)

Invalid Input

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Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Details of Company Associates

*Please note that not providing a tax file number may delay the registration process

Associate One Details

If the associate is a company please enter "N/A" for Date of Birth and choose “N/A” for Place of Birth.

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Please enter your date of birth.

Please enter a place of birth

Please enter your town of birth.

Please enter your state of birth.

Please enter your country of birth.

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Select an option

Associate Two Details

If the associate is a company please enter "N/A" for Date of Birth and choose “N/A” for Place of Birth.

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Please enter your date of birth.

Please enter a place of birth

Please enter your town of birth.

Please enter your state of birth.

Please enter your country of birth.

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Select an option

Associate Three Details

If the associate is a company please enter "N/A" for Date of Birth and choose “N/A” for Place of Birth.

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Please enter your date of birth.

Please enter a place of birth

Please enter your town of birth.

Please enter your state of birth.

Please enter your country of birth.

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Select an option

Associate Four Details

If the associate is a company please enter "N/A" for Date of Birth and choose “N/A” for Place of Birth.

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Please enter your date of birth.

Please enter a place of birth

Please enter your town of birth.

Please enter your state of birth.

Please enter your country of birth.

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Select an option

Associate Five Details

If the associate is a company please enter "N/A" for Date of Birth and choose “N/A” for Place of Birth.

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Please enter your date of birth.

Please enter a place of birth

Please enter your town of birth.

Please enter your state of birth.

Please enter your country of birth.

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Select an option

Associate Six Details

If the associate is a company please enter "N/A" for Date of Birth and choose “N/A” for Place of Birth.

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Please enter your date of birth.

Please enter a place of birth

Please enter your town of birth.

Please enter your state of birth.

Please enter your country of birth.

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Authorised Contact Person(s)

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Please enter a valid email address.

Select an option

Authorised Contact Person Two

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Please enter a valid email address.


Payments are made by using Credit Card or EFT. After you click on the purchase button you will be redirected to the EFT screen for payment details if you're paying via this method.


Please enter the name on your credit card

Please enter your credit card number

Please select your credit card type

Please enter your credit card's expiry date (mm/yy)

Invalid Input

Three numbers found on the back of your credit card

Invalid Input

Preview your form before submission

Applicant Details

Firm Name:

Contact Person:


Email Address:

Street Address:

Company Details

Name of company:

ACN of company:

Does the company already have an ABN?:

Please quote that ABN here:

Is the Company an Australian Private Company or an Australian Public Company?:

Business Activity

Why is the company applying for an ABN?:

Is this the first time in business in Australia for the company?:

Please select the main industry shown below that will form part of your company activity:

Please describe your main business activity and goods services provided:

Is the company owned or controlled by Commonwealth State Territory or Local Government?

Does the company operate in agricultural Property:

Does the company have more than one business location in Australia:

If Yes, full street addresses of each business location are required:

From what date does the company require its ABN ? [This date cannot be more than 6 months in the future. If the date provided is a date in the future, the ABN will not be issued until that date]

If you intend for this business activity to be less than 3 months, on what date do you expect to cease activity?

Tax file number

Does the company have a Tax File Number?

Tax File Number:

Does the company wish to apply for a Tax File Number?

Company Information

Is the company a nonprofit organization?:

Is the company a resident for tax purposes?:

Is the company exempt for income tax purposes?:

If the company is a subsidiary company, what is the ACN or ARBN of the ultimate holding company?:

What is the Company’s main business address:

Where does the company want its notices and correspondence sent?:

Other (Full street address is required):

What is the company’s email address for service of notices and correspondence?:

Does the company want to register or be endorsed for any of the following?:

Goods and Services Tax

Does the company wish to apply for GST?:

What is the date of registration for GST?:

What is your estimated annual turnover:

How frequently do you want to lodge your BAS?:

Which method will you use to account for GST?:

Do you import goods or services?:

Fuel Tax Credits

Does the company want to register for Fuel Tax Credits?:

What is the date of registration for Fuel Tax Credits?:

Please indicate which fuel type is used in the company’s business activities:

Does the company use fuel in a vehicle with a GVM greater than 4 5 tonnes travelling on a public road?:

Pay as you go

Does the company want to register for PAYG?:

BSB Code:

Account Number:

Account Held By:

On what date did, or will, the company commence PAYG Withholding?:

What amount of tax is to be withheld from payees each year?:

How many employees does the company estimate it will pay?:

Will the company pay royalties dividends or interest to non residents or report investment income paid to Australian residents?:

How does the company intend to provide the PAYG withholding payment summary annual report to the Tax Office?:

How will the company provide payment summaries to its payees?:

Associate One Details

Surname/Company Name:

Given Names/ Company ACN:

Former or Maiden Name(s):

Full Address:

Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:

Place of Birth (Town):

Place of Birth (State):

Country of Birth:

Tax File Number:


Office(s) held:

Associate Two Details

Surname/Company Name:

Given Names/ Company ACN:

Former or Maiden Name(s):

Full Address:

Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:

Place of Birth (Town):

Place of Birth (State):

Country of Birth:

Tax File Number:


Office(s) held:

Associate Three Details

Surname/Company Name:

Given Names/ Company ACN:

Former or Maiden Name(s):

Full Address:

Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:

Place of Birth (Town):

Place of Birth (State):

Country of Birth:

Tax File Number:


Office(s) held:

Associate Four Details

Surname/Company Name:

Given Names/ Company ACN:

Former or Maiden Name(s):

Full Address:

Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:

Place of Birth (Town):

Place of Birth (State):

Country of Birth:

Tax File Number:


Office(s) held:

Associate Five Details

Surname/Company Name:

Given Names/ Company ACN:

Former or Maiden Name(s):

Full Address:

Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:

Place of Birth (Town):

Place of Birth (State):

Country of Birth:

Tax File Number:


Office(s) held:

Associate Six Details

Surname/Company Name:

Given Names/ Company ACN:

Former or Maiden Name(s):

Full Address:

Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:

Place of Birth (Town):

Place of Birth (State):

Country of Birth:

Tax File Number:


Office(s) held:

Authorised Contact Person(s)


Given Name:

Position Held:

Phone Number:

Email Address:

Preferred language, if not English:

Authorised Contact Person Two


Given Name:

Position Held:

Phone Number:

Email Address:

Preferred language, if not English:

Additional notes and/or instructions

Payment Details

Total Cost:

Upon submission, you will receive an email with your details for future reference/printing.